
WITE32 Release Notes Version 3.20
4.11 Miscellaneous
1. A special feature is implemented in the WR Offset test to help you to select the better Track Profile Range
parameters. If the test is unable to measure the WR Offset or/and the Track Width, it calculates the Track
Profile Range parameters (From, To, and Step) based on the preliminary profile measurements. The test
displays a message with the suggested From, To, and Step values. However, if the track profile area is not
properly erased (preliminary profile has more than one peak), or the track profile range is completely wrong
and misses the signal, the suggested parameters are calculated incorrectly. If the suggested parameters do
not look reasonable, we recommend running the Track Profile test to select the optimal From, To, and Step
values for the WR Offset test.
2. The Servo Erase Operation mode list is modified such that it matches the mode list of the Servo Erase setup
on the Dashboard. The following items are available in the selection list:
Positive DC – DC erasure in positive direction
Negative DC – DC erasure in negative direction
Interleave – DC erasure in positive direction at first offset position, followed by negative direction
at second offset position, followed by positive direction at third offset position and so on.
AC Erase – AC erasure with specified frequency.
Pos + Neg DC – DC erasure in positive direction in the first revolution, followed by negative
direction in the second revolution.
Neg + Pos DC – DC erasure in negative direction in the first revolution, followed by positive
direction in the second revolution.
3. Three fields - Track, Head and
Inch Offset on the Engineering Dashboard are updated after pressing the
Enter key on the keyboard to confirm the entered data.
4. The system band erase operation is modified to improve the execution time.
5. A new parameter Write Repetitions is added to the Adjacent Track frame in the Standard Setup of the 747
Comparator Error test. This parameter specifies the exact number of write pattern operations to be executed
while writing each adjacent track. Previously 747 Comparator Error Test performed a single write pattern
operation for each adjacent track. The Write Repetitions parameter has effect only in the case, when the
Adjacent Track Operation is set to Write Pattern.
6. The Plot Data checkbox is added to the Popcorn test configuration setup. If this control is enabled, and the
Sweep option is Write Current or Read Bias, the Popcorn test displays a plot when it finishes. If this control
is disabled, the test does not display any graphic output.
Guzik Technical Enterprises 57