
Notebook Webcams
- 2nd
C A N Y O N P R O D U C T M A G A Z I N E 2 0 0 8 - 2nd
CANYON understands that high performance video calling and
top quality are your main priorities when choosing a webcam for
professional use and this is what we offer with our line-up of note-
book webcams. Featuring a sleek design and advanced technology
such as automatic face tracking software and various visual effects,
these webcams meet your needs and requirements.
This mini notebook 2.0 Mega Pixels
webcam is a real eye catcher. Its design
and its image quatlity is the top of its class.
The face tracking software automatically
zooms in or zooms out on your face while
moving your head in front of the webcam.
This mini notebook 1.3 Mega Pix-
els webcam is a real eye catcher.
Its design and its image quatlity
is the top of its class. The face
tracking software automatically
zooms in or zooms out on your
face while moving your head in
front of the webcam.