Operation Manual

1. Click on Preview button to run image slide show at the Preview Panel.
2. Highlight a file in Image Input List and click on Up/Down button to change its displaying
order. Click on Delete to remove unwanted image files from the list.
z Converting Image Input List into a Slide Show File
Click on Transform to convert all images on the list to a slide show file. A window will pop up
prompting for the saving location. Designate the path and click OK to confirm. The slide show
format (*.sls) is designed specifically for the device use only.
Video Converter
Video Converter AP is an application that converts a video file into a file with specific format (*.mtv)
for the device use only.
z The device must be connected to the host PC while the application is running. Please connect
the device before executing the functions in the application.
z The application and device supports *.avi, *.wmv, *.asf, *.mpg, *.mov, *.qt, *.vob, *.rm,
*.rmvb, *.mpg4 and *.3gp file formats only. The application will not take in other files with
different formats.
z DirectX 9.0 or above, Media Player 9.0 or above, or other DirectShow based codecs must be
installed for the application to recognize all suitable file formats. Failure to comply will result
incomplete conversion to *.mtv file format.
Input List