User's Manual

Message playback, related to
[PROG 1]
0 = main message, 9/40sec
1 = zone 1 message, 2=zone 2 message, 3=zone 3 message ā€¦.
Programming Telephone numbers redial counts and repeat counts
[PWD] + [PROG] + [4] + [d] + [ENTER]
d= memory 1-9 to store telephone number
Telephone no can be 0-9, *, #, P, L
[PROG] delete phone no / pause
[ARM] pager pause, the display will show ā€œLā€ as a pager pause. Every phone number can only
enter one pager pause.
After the telephone number has been stored, another message will appear on the display
asking for a redial count. The number of attempts can be changed to dial 1 to 9 times.
The repeat time is the number of times the message will be played for that certain phone
number. It can be changed from 1 to 9 times.
Delete a telephone number from memory
[PWD] + [PROG] + [4] + [d] + [PROG]
Once the phone number is deleted, the display will return to standby mode.
Learn sensor
[PWD] + [PROG] + [5] ->trigger sensor ->playback no. (1-6, 0 =disable)
Learn remote/sensor within 10 seconds
If the sensor is 64 bits sensor, user need to enter playback number after successfully learning
the sensor.
0=disable, 1= zone 1 message, 2= zone 2 message ā€¦6=zone 6 message
Erase sensor
User cannot erase only one specific sensor, the entire memory must be cleared.
[PWD] + [PROG] + [6] + [ENTER]
Erase remote/sensor, enter to confirm. If you hear a double beep, all transmitters and sensors
have been deleted.
Program the calling time
The calling time is the amount of time the phone will ring until the call is disconnected. If the
phone is not picked up within this period of time, the dialer will either call again or advance to
the next phone number. The calling time is currently set to 20 seconds.