Installation guide

Controller Object Commands 69
volume. Each volume can then be treated as an individual disk with its own
file system. The default carvesize is 2 TB.
This command is useful for operating systems limited to 2-TB file systems.
For example, using the 2-TB default carvesize, a 3-TB unit is configured into
one 2-TB volume and one 1-TB volume. A 5-TB unit is configured into two
2-TB volumes and one 1-TB volume.
When autocarve policy is set to off, all new units are created as a single large
volume. If the operating system can only recognize up to 2-TBs, space over
2-TB is not available.
//localhost> /c0 set autocarve=on
Setting Autocarving Policy on /c0 to on ... Done.
/cx set carvesize=<1024..32768>
The /cx set carvesize command allows you to set the carve size in GB. This
command works together with autocarve. See “/cx set autocarve=on|off”
above for details.
//localhost> /c0 set carvesize=2000
Setting Auto-Carving Size on /c0 to 2000 GB ... Done.
/cx set autorebuild=on|off
The /cx set autorebuild command turns the Autorebuild policy on or off. By
default, autorebuild is on.
If the policy is on, the firmware selects drives to use for rebuilding a degraded
unit using the following priority order.
1. Smallest usable spare.
2. Smallest usable unconfigured (available) drive.
3. Smallest usable failed drive.
Enabling Autorebuild allows you to add a drive to the controller and have it
be available for a rebuild as soon as you tell the controller to rescan, without
having to specify it as a spare. It also means that if you accidentally
Note: Failed drives can be drives that have mechanically failed, or they can be
drives that have been disconnected from the controller long enough to cause a
drive timeout error and for the controller to classify them as failed.