User's Manual

On &
On &
When the monitor is
asleep, the touch screen
is blank and not lit.
The LED light at the top
right side of the monitor
is on and blinking red or
Sleeping helps the moni-
tor save battery power
while you are not using
the touch screen.
When the monitor is
charging, the LED light
at the top left side of the
monitor will illuminate
in orange. The monitor
battery icon, located on
the Main Menu in the
uper left corner will blink
and will change colors as
it recharges.
Always leave your monitor
on, even when charging.
When the monitor is awake,
the touch screen is lit and
the LED light at the top
right side of the monitor
blinks red or green.
A green blinking LED light
means you are being
A red blinking LED light
means you are not being
Using the Monitor  29
How to Turn Your Monitor On and Off
3. US I N G T H E M on it or