User's Manual

First, the prescribing physician is registered in the CardioNet service. All applicable contact
and demographic data is collected and entered into the CardioNet Patient Enrollment and
Management System (PEMS) by a CardioNet representative. When a physician identies a
patient who is appropriate for CardioNet services, the practice faxes a Patient
Prescription/Order form to CardioNet along with the patient insurance information.
Important Information: Urgent Events
CardioNet is not an emergency response service. If patients experience symptoms that concern
them, they should seek medical help.
In the course of monitoring a patient’s heart, CardioNet may detect cardiac events which are
potentially life-threatening and which were not anticipated by the patient’s physician. As directed
in the Physician Notication Criteria, CardioNet will attempt to contact the physician and patient
if ordered.
CardioNet’s ability to obtain information regarding a cardiac event and to contact a patient or
his/her physician in a timely manner is limited by a number of factors, including:
Transmission of information about a cardiac event to
CardioNet‘s monitoring center is potentially limited by the
availability of standard telephone lines and/or cellular phone
There is an inherent time delay from the time that an event is
detected to when the events are analyzed and conrmed by a
certied cardiac technician (“CCT”)
There is an inherent time delay from when the event is
analyzed and conrmed by the CCT to when CardioNet is able
to make contact with the patient or his/her physician
If a patient or physician is not accessible by telephone,
CardioNet will not succeed in making contact with them
When CardioNet does detect a potentially serious cardiac event as dened by the patient’s
physician, we will attempt to contact the patient’s physician for direction. CardioNet will also
attempt to contact the patient and inform him/her of a cardiac event that has been received that
requires evaluation in the emergency room, per the physician’s notication criteria. The patient
may decide to seek medical help by calling EMS directly or the patient may ask that CardioNet
assist them in contacting EMS.
In all cases, due to the limitations of the CardioNet service as described above, patients should
not delay seeking medical help if they experience symptoms that concern them and are so
instructed in the Patient Education Guide. Also, patients are instructed in the Patient Education
Guide not to rely on CardioNet as an emergency response service.