User's Guide

Table Of Contents
3-6 9G4260_en 2012-01-27
System Settings and Status
Setting up Roll Paper Settings
These parameters are set up during the installation of the imager.
Media Selection When the media source is set to Cut Sheet, the image only prints from
the media cassette. When the media source is set to Roll Paper, the
imager can print to both the media cassette and roll paper. Leave the
media source set to Roll Paper/Cut to print from both media sources.
Press the Media Source button to change between Cut Sheet and
Roll Paper/Cut.
Roll Paper Margins Only 3 mm is supported.
1. Press .
2. Press to select Printer Setup, and then press .
3. Press to select Roll Paper Margin, and then press to select
3 mm.
4. Press OK.
5. Press to return to the Ready screen.
Paper Size Check Leave Paper Size Check set to On.
1. Press .
2. Press to select Printer Setup, and then press .
3. Press to view Paper Size Check. Confirm that the setting is On.
4. Press OK.
5. Press to return to the Ready screen.
Paper Skew Check Leave Paper Skew Check set to On.
1. Press .
2. Press to select Printer Setup, and then press .
3. Press to view Paper Skew Check. Confirm that the setting is
4. Press OK.
5. Press to return to the Ready screen.
Set Roll Paper Tension If wrinkles appear in the roll paper while printing, change the setting.
1. Press .
2. Press to select Paper Setup Menu, and then press .
3. Press to select Set Roll Paper Tension.
4. Press to select High or Extra High.
5. Press OK.
6. Press to return to the Ready screen.