User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Basic Operating Tasks
2011-03-31 9G3886_en 2-9
Calibrating the laser imager for the installed film
In normal operating conditions, it is not necessary to calibrate the laser
imager for the film. Run a calibration when:
Code 001 appears on the display screen.
A calibration error occurs, indicated by codes 624, 631, or 632 on
the display screen.
A "Not Calibrated" message appears on the Web Portal Home
The calibration initiates a test print with a step wedge pattern. The
pattern has a series of 21 step wedges of increasing optical density.
1. Press the symbol to start the calibration. The Calibration and Power
symbols both flash while the calibration is in progress.
2. When the symbols stop flashing, the calibration is complete.
NOTE: If the Calibration symbol turns from blue to yellow, there was a
problem with the calibration process. See “Calibration error” on
page 3-3.
Opening or removing a cover
You can open or remove the laser imagers top cover, left cover, and film
supply. The covers are protected with an interlock mechanism to keep
the laser imager from printing when they are open, to keep you safe.
Code 701 alerts you that a cover and an interlock are open, and internal
power to the laser imager is turned off.
You might open the top or left cover to search for film jams. For more
information, see “Correcting film jams” on page 3-14.
Press to calibrate the laser
imager for the installed film
A cover is open