User's Guide

Table Of Contents
A-6 2G0733 January 14, 2008
Warranty and Limitation of Liability
limited to: e-mail, word processing, spreadsheets, database,
network browsing, scheduling, and personal finance.
Back-up Copy. If Manufacturer has not included a back-up copy
of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT with the COMPUTER, you may
make a single back-up copy of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT. You
may use the back-up copy solely for archival purposes.
Back-up Utility. If the SOFTWARE PRODUCT includes a Microsoft
back-up utility, you may use the utility to make the single back-up
copy. After the single back-up copy is made, the backup utility will
be permanently disabled. Except as expressly provided in this EULA,
you may not otherwise make copies of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT,
including the printed materials accompanying the SOFTWARE.
Reservation of Rights. Manufacturer, MS and its suppliers
(including Microsoft Corporation) reserve all rights not expressly
granted to you in this EULA.
Windows 2000 Operating System. If the SOFTWARE PRODUCT
is Windows 2000 Operating System, it may not be used by more
than two (2) processors on the COMPUTER unless a higher
number of processors is indicated on the Certificate of
Authenticity that accompanies the SOFTWARE PRODUCT.
Multiple Processor Version Selection. The CD or diskette(s) on
which the SOFTWARE PRODUCT resides may contain several
copies of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT, each of which is
compatible with a different microprocessor architecture, such as
the x86 architecture or various RISC architectures ("Processor
Version(s)"). You may install and use only one copy of one
Processor Version of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT on the
Language Version Selection. Manufacturer may have elected to
provide you with a selection of language versions of the
SOFTWARE PRODUCT. In such event, you are licensed to use
only one of the language versions provided. As part of the setup
process for the SOFTWARE PRODUCT you will be given a
one-time option to select a language version. Upon selection, the
language version selected by you will be set up on the
COMPUTER, and the language version(s) not selected by you will
be automatically and permanently deleted from the hard disk of
Operating System Selection. Manufacturer may have elected to
provide you with a selection of Microsoft Operating System
software for the COMPUTER. If the SOFTWARE PRODUCT
includes more than one (1) Microsoft Operating System
("Microsoft OS"), you are licensed to use only one of the
Microsoft OS selections provided. As part of the setup process for
the SOFTWARE you will be given a one-time option to select one