User's Manual

February 27, 2008 2G0733 G-1
CR Computed Radiography, the process of creating digital radiographic
CT Computed Tomography, the process of creating digital tomographic
Cycle power Cycle power means to shut down and power up the Laser Imager.
DICOM Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine. A TCP/IP-based
protocol for transmitting and receiving medical imaging and related data
over a network.
Dmax Dmax means maximum density. Dmax is the density of an area on the
film that has received maximum exposure.
Dmin Dmin means minimum density. Dmin is the density of an unexposed
area on the film.
DR Digital Radiography, the process of creating digital radiographic
GSDF Grayscale Standard Display Function.
GSM Gray Scale Manager.
Film model The film model defines the print characteristics for a particular lot of
Key operator The person(s) designated by the department manager to receive
applications training and allowed access to password-protected areas to
make system changes.
LED Light Emitting Diode.
Modality Medical equipment that actually generates medical images (for
example, an MRI).
Monotonic Continuously increasing. When a calibration sheet, which consists of
strips of increasing density (Dmin) to maximum density (Dmax), is read
by the densitometer, the density values must be monotonic
(continuously increasing). If they are not, an error message is generated.
MPDB Modality Preferences Database.
MR Magnetic Resonance.
N/A Not Available or Not Applicable.
PLUT Presentation Look-Up Table.
Service image An image used by service personnel for troubleshooting.
Shutdown The process of exiting current tasks and applications and turning the
power off.
SMPTE test pattern A Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineering monitor test
pattern that is used for analyzing image-quality problems.