User Manual

Table Of Contents
KODAK RVG 6500 System_User & Installation Guide (SM728)_Ed01 41
Figure 13 X-Ray Acquired Image Window
Figure 14 IPS Aiming Ring Interface and Alignment Indicator
(optional) The IPS aiming ring enables you prior to acquisition to dynamically and visually center and
align the X-ray beam to the RVG sensor.
1 Gallery button: Accesses the slides of the acquired images.
2 Preview screen: Displays real-time the acquired image.
3 Back button: Returns to the previous image.
Image contrast button: Enhances the different zone of interest:
0: Perio: Optimizes the display of periodontal tissues.
+: Endo: Optimizes the contrast values over the entire range.
++: Dentin-Enamel Junction (DEJ): Optimizes the values at the crown, the amelo-dentinal junction
and the roots.
5 Toggle
Contrast/Brightness button: Manages the black and white contrast.
6 Zoom button: Enlarges and highlights a section of the image
7 Reset button: Resets to initial image
8 Forward button: Goes to the next image
9 Information button: Accesses the image information