Installation Manual

Carl’s Place LLC | |
6. Assemble the frame using your joinery method of choice. We prefer to use pocket screws
and a simple pocket hole jig
7. Fasten the floor joist braces in each corner for added strength (optional) (View Images)
8. Lay the screen material over the frame (View Images)
9. Using heavy duty staples, start on the top and place several staples in the center (1). Move
to the bottom and place several staples in the center (2), stretching the fabric straight
across. (Steps 9-13: This stretch & staple technique should be used for ALL our screen
materials, not just Blackout Cloth, although some materials do not actually "stretch". Note,
ProWhite/ProGray work best when attached directly onto drywall without a frame.)
10. Move to the right side of the frame and place several staples in the center (3), stretching
the fabric out from the center. Move to the left and place several staples in the center (4),
stretching the fabric straight across.
11. At the top add a couple staples, about 2-3 inches to each side of the original staples (5 & 6).
Make sure to stretch with even tension out from the middle. Repeat at the bottom (7 & 8),
right (9 & 10) and left (11 & 12) sides.
12. Add 3 staples, again 2-3 inches apart, at the top of the frame (13-15 & 16-18). Repeat at the
bottom (19-21 & 22-24), right and left sides. Again make sure to stretch with even tension
out from the middle as shown in the diagram. (View Images)
13. Continue adding 2-4 staples, evenly spaced and rotating to opposite sides until the screen
is completely secured all the way around the frame. Do not staple in a circle around the
frame, always rotate to the opposite side with even tension. (View Images)
14. Cut the Back Band Trim with a Miter Saw or Miter Box/Saw to fit your frame. Back Band
Trim is a piece of wood moulding that surrounds the exterior edge of the screen to create a
professional looking frame. (View Images)
15. Spray paint the back band trim black and allow to dry
16. Nail the back band trim to the frame
17. Add the black felt tape, on top of the screen material, cutting with a scissors or utility knife
– do NOT stretch the tape
18. Hang on the wall using the picture hangers of your choice (View Images)