Comparison Chart

1. Lighting Considerations
Ambient light is any light that exists in your
viewing environment. It may be indoor lighting or
street lights, etc. If you have a dark room where
the lights can be turned off we call this controlled
light versus dealing with a street lamp, for
example, which you may not have control over.
An example of a dark viewing environment is a
movie theater, low light might be a small light
coming from the next room and high ambient
light would be a light on in the same room as
your screen.
Unfortunately, none of our materials are meant
for full sunlight.
Generally speaking, the darker you can get your
viewing environment the better the results. We
recommend using white projector screen
materials for dark environments & gray projector
screen materials for environments with low
ambient light concerns. You will not need gray if
you have a dark viewing environment. Gray only
provides additional contrast if you have ambient
light concerns.
If wish to begin the movie at dusk/sunset and
your only ambient light concern is 20 minutes of
viewing time at dusk, go with white. If you will
experience ambient light throughout the entire
movie, even after the sun goes down, go with
Always choose the material that will be best for
the majority of your viewing.
2. Screen Mounting
When a screen is stretched (or bungeed) evenly
all the way around the screen we call this
tensioned (tight like a drum or trampoline).
Tensioning provides a flat screen for even light
distribution and reduces image waving on the
surface. Securing tension-mounted fabrics at the
top and bottom, just the sides or only in the
corners will not provide a flat surface for even
light distribution.
ProGray, ProWhite and SheerWeave cannot be
stretched and work best when simply held flat.
ProGray and ProWhite are usually stapled directly
onto the wall. Do not fold or wrap these stiff
screen materials. These materials also work well
rolled. These products are available in raw
material only.
Do not fold Ambient Light Rejecting (ALR) or
Premium HD Impact Materials fold marks will be
difficult to remove.
3. HD Screen Materials
All of our projector screen materials are
compatible for HD projection, though your
projector, of course, will need to be capable of
projecting a native HD resolution. That said,
because Ambient Light Rejection, FlexiWhite and
FlexiGray have essentially zero texture, they can
provide the sharpest possible picture for your
high-definition and 4K projected images.
4. 3D Screen Materials
There are two types of 3D; Active 3D (most
common) and Passive 3D (2 projectors).
Ambient Light Rejecting material is a specialized
product for everyday usage, HD & 4K in a brightly
lit environment. It also works for both active 3D
and with (2) passive 3D projectors when ambient
light is controlled.
FlexiWhite works great for everyday usage, HD
&/or Active 3D in a dark viewing environment.
SilverScreen is a specialized product for passive
3D movie viewing and is the best solution for the
purpose of passive 3D.
Our other materials are not recommended for
3D usage.