Operator's Manual

Table Of Contents
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Figure 29: Cell Control Display
Cell Control is the area of the OMC where you can view and edit the settings affecting the
performance of each radio.
As of April 13, 2013, this is the only area of the OMC where end users can make changes.
After making your desired changes, click the “Save Changes” button to apply them.
Use the “Mute” button to disable the radio on the Basestation. Place a check into the box to
enable this feature. This will disable the Basestation radio. Your RuralConnect® network will not
function with this feature enabled.
4.6.1. Modulation Modes
The performance of each RF link is determined by the
signal quality and the modulation mode used. These
drop-down menus allow you to select the modulation
mode for both the uplink and downlink of each CPE.
You can only change the setting for one station at a
time. After making changes, press the “Save Changes”
button. The changes will be applied and the Cell
Control tab will reset.
Complex modulation types are at the top of the list,
followed by simpler modulation types and various
forms of forward error correction (FEC). Complex
modulations, such as quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) provide a mechanism for higher
bit rates, and thus more available throughput. These complex modulations, however, have a
negative impact on the receive threshold of the radio, the signal level at which the link is
Figure 30: Modulation Settings
ation modes are in order of net bit rate, with the highest bit rate at the top of the list. The
effective throughput of an RF link is based on the net bit rate, less the PHY and link-layer
overheads. Modulation modes in Cell Control include acronyms for modulation types and
abbreviations for FEC types. “Conv_Punct”, a 3/4 punctured convolutional coding rate, provides
25% FEC, reducing the available payload to 75% of the gross bit rate. “Conv” is a 1/2
convolutional coding rate. This 50% FEC produces a reliable communications channel, while
reducing the available payload to 50% of the gross bit rate.
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