User's Manual

Trailblazer Installation and User Manual version 1.02 50
6.7 Acronyms/Abbreviations
ANSI ................. American National Standards Institute
async ............... asynchronous
CCITT................ Comité Consultatif International Téléphonique et Télégraphique
CD ..................... carrier detect
CPE.................... customer premise equipment
CS ...................... clear to send
CSU ................... channel service unit
CTS ................... clear to send
CO ……………... central office
dB....................... decibel
DCE ................... data communications equipment
DDS................... digital data service
DSR................... data set ready
DSU................... data service unit
DTE ................... data terminal equipment
DTR................... data terminal ready
EA ...................... extended address
FR....................... frame relay
FSU.................... frame relay service unit
GUI.................... graphical user interface
HDLC................ high-speed data link control
IP........................ internet protocol
ISDN................. integrated services digital network
ITU..................... International Telecommunications Union
kbps................... kilobits per second
LAN................... local area network
LED.................... light emitting diode
MIB ................... management information base
ms ...................... millisecond
PPP .................... point-to-point protocol
RD ..................... receive data
RDL................... remote digital loop-back
RFC.................... request for comments
RIP..................... routing information protocol
RMA.................. return material authorization
RR...................... receiver ready
RTS.................... request to send
Rx....................... receive
SDLC................. synchronous data link control
SNA................... systems network architecture
SNMP ............... simple network management protocol
SW56 ................. switched 56
sync.................... synchronous
TD...................... transmit data
TR ...................... data terminal ready
Tx ....................... transmit
UNI.................... user-to-network interface
WAN.................. wide area network