Product data

Carrier’s 16JB single effect hermetic
absorption liquid chiller offers a vi-
able alternative to traditional electric
driven chillers. By utilizing low
pressure steam or hot water, the
16JB avoids high cost electricity and
qualifies for utility rebates and in-
centives as a
gas cooling
The utilization of low pressure steam
or hot water in the generator pro-
vides the 16JB with application
no CFCs; environmentally friendly
one-stage design for simple, re-
liable operation
operates using low pressure steam
or hot water
quiet, vibration-free operation
few moving parts equates to high
Direct Digital Controls (DDC) for
optimum chiller performance.
Single effect absorption
provides efficient, economi-
cal water chilling with
minimal use of electricity.
Cost-effective cooling
Alternative-energy chiller The
16JB offers an alternative for building
owners who want to avoid the high
operating costs associated with electric-
driven chillers. Powered by low pres-
sure steam or hot water, the Carrier
16JB single effect absorption chiller
not only reduces or eliminates electric
demand and/or ratchet charges, but
also allows the owner to take ad-
vantage of gas cooling rebates and
incentive programs offered by many
utility companies.
Steam/Hot Water
Single Effect, Hermetic Absorption
Liquid Chiller
with Product Integrated Controls (PIC)
50/60 Hz
108 to 680 Nominal Tons (380 to 2392 kW)
Copyright 1998 Carrier Corporation Form 16JB-2PD

Summary of content (28 pages)