User`s guide

102 Chapter 2
Test Descriptions
TEST_48 - CPD SMS & Authentication
TEST_48 - CPD SMS & Authentication
This test brings the SMS (Short Message Service) and Authentication
test functionality provided by the Agilent 8924C/E firmware in the SMS
and Authentication screens to this software. The test is provided in this
software for test and result reporting convenience. The test is entirely
menu driven with no associated parameters in the TESTS (Test
Parameters) screen.
1. When the test is run, the user’s first menu will have the following
SMS test
Authentication Test
2. By selecting the SMS test menu, the following menu becomes
Table 2-1
Execute SMS
Data Mode :ASCII
Encoder Mode :7-bit ASCII
User Data :ABCDE
Duplicate User Data :1
Alert :Off
Priority :None
Privacy :None
Originator :89204001
Channel Type :Page
SMS Service Option :None