Operation Manual

Follow the audio instructions and follow the
purple coloured line on your GPS screen.
11. Drive safely!
Regardless whether you have given in a
to a POI, a recent destination or your home
address, you must always enter your route
before you start driving. Always drive safely!
12. Blocking routes
To block routes, go to the Quickpick menu and
click on this button:
You will see a small map of the environment
around your car. To block or avoid a route,
click on the street on the map and click on
avoid to avoid the street during your current
trip. You can also block roads. A blocked road
will remain blocked till you unblock the road
again. You can also block roads for 5 or 15
kilometers. This is useful if you want to block
areas where road work is in progress.
In the block list, you see all the roads that
you have blocked. You can unblock roads
here. If you unblock roads (by selecting and
deleting the blocked roads from the list), you
need to go to the Quick pick menu, and click
on the “exit” icon. You will then be asked if you
are sure that you want to exit the application.
If you click on “yes”, the blocked roads are
permanently deleted from the blocked roads
13. Ignoring the route
If you take a different route than the device
suggests (whether by mistake or on purpose),
the device will adjust to the new situation and
will re-calculate route to your destination.
This might take a while.
14. The options of your device
On the Quickpick menu, click on this options
Below, the buttons you see in the next menu
-and the various options these buttons have-
are further explained.
1.Change the language of the
application (reboot needed).
2. Change the time zone of your
device and summertime.
3. Change the route settings of your
navigation solution (details to follow
4. Change the screen settings of your
device (details to follow below).
5. Change the system options of your
device (details to follow below).
Cartrek 400 User manual