Operation Manual

18. Change the screen settings of
your device.
In the screen settings menu (button 4), you can
change the settings of the screen.
You can choose that the Zoom level of the maps
is zoomed in automatically or manually. If you
want to zoom in on the map manually, you can
use the “zoom (+)” or “pane (-)” button on the
The Map display can be shown in 2D (two dimen-
sional) or 3D (three dimensional).
By means of the POI Display option, you can
select which POIs are displayed on the screen
by means of an icon. You can browse through
the list and click on a POI category to make a
POI visible or invisible.
The Day/night option, will change the colors of
the screen to bright colors (during day) or darker
colors (during night). If you put this setting to
“automatically”, the colors will change automati-
cally when the sun sets or rises.
a map display during navigation.
All the above mentioned screen settings will be
effective after you have clicked on the “next”
button on the right bottom side of the settings
menu screen.
19. Change the system options of
your device.
In the system options menu (further explained
below), you can change the basic settings of
your device. You can change the settings of your
distances and speed. You can also change the
keyboard settings. If you click on GPS settings,
you see detailed information of the GPS signals.
With the Distance button, you can change the
system settings of the travelled distance/distance
to travel. You can choose between Kilometers,
Yards, Meters, Feet, Miles and nautical distance
With the Speed button, you can change the
system settings of the travelling speed. You can
choose between Kilometers per hour, Meters per
second, Feet per second, Miles per hour and
nautical distance settings (knots).
Cartrek 400 User manual