Owner's Manual

to be plugged into the snake or directly into the “LINE” input of the mixer. This
can be accomplished by a high to low impedance adapter or a “Direct box” (both
are available from Carvin or other electronics outlets). Verify that all the connec-
tions are good and that all mics are connected properly. The next step is con-
necting the speakers outputs.
With powered mixers (i.e. mixers with built in power amplifiers) the LEFT and
RIGHT amplifier outputs can NOT be feed through the snake to power the
speakers on stage. Doing this could result in damage to the mixer’s internal
power amp. Only ‘Pre-amp’ signals can be returned to the stage through the
snake. Since speaker level signals cannot be sent through the snake separate
speaker cables must be used. These speaker cables will carry the signal from
the mixer’s power amp outputs directly to the speakers.
With non-powered mixers use the MAIN L/R LINE OUT jacks as the main pre-
amp outputs to drive external power amplifiers. The same snake that was used
to feed the signals from the stage to the mixer usually has provisions for sending
line output signals from the mixer to the stage. The (pre-amp level) MAIN L/R
LINE OUT outputs on the front of the mixer may be plugged into the snake
cable. This will send the signal to the power amplifiers, usually placed on stage.
Once the snake, or alternate means of cabling, carrying the signal has reached
the stage, the connections are made to the power amplifiers. The power amp
outputs can then be connected to the speakers, using 16 gauge (AWG) or heav-
ier non-shielded wire.
Note: Speaker cables are the only ones that should NOT be shielded. All other
cables that carry ‘Mic’ and ‘Pre-amp’ level signals should be shielded. Shielded
cables connected to the power amp outputs can damage the power amplifier.
In a typical setup for live sound the MONITOR LINE OUT will be used to provide
a monitor mix for the musicians on stage. The MONITOR LINE OUT output sig-
nal will be sent to the stage just like the main output signals. The signal is sent
to the stage either by using a direct shielded wire from mixer output or by using
the snake. The signal can now be plugged into the inputs of the power ampli-
fiers that will be powering the monitor speakers.
It is best to start a new mix with the mixer set as follows: all the channel level
and monitor knobs turned down and the master main level, and master monitor
level turned down (counterclockwise or off). Also it is easier to start with the
channel tone controls turned to their center positions. This way when the system
is turned on and the master is first turned up there will not be any surprises such
as feedback from a microphone or loud signals coming from a channel that was
turned up loud. With the mixer set the main master level can be turned up to a
low level (2 or 3 on the dial). Then a channel with signal can be turned up until it
is heard in the speakers. If no signal is heard from the speakers and the channel
volume is up full, lower the channel volume and check the connections. It may
be the signal source was not plugged in correctly, so try another source. Also it
may be the connections to the speakers or external amplifiers. When the prob-
To select a program use the up or down buttons to scroll to the desired program
number. If you press and hold
either button, after a couple sec-
onds the scrolling rate will increase
ten times. When you are close to
the desired number stop pressing
the button and step through the
last few program numbers to your
desired program. The scroll rate
automatically returns to the slow
speed when the button is not pressed and held.
The last program number select-ed will be saved in non-volatile memory when
power is removed. You do need to wait approximately 30 seconds after chang-
ing the program number before removing power for that number to be saved.
Under normal use this will not be a factor because you will be using the program
selected before removing power.
Note: If both up and down buttons are pressed together, the display will change
and show C01 telling you the MIDI channel is 1. This feature is not used in the
CX mixer series. If this appears, leave the buttons alone for approximately 10
seconds and the display will change back to the last program number used.
Turn all channel EFF/REV level controls to the off position (fully counter clock-
wise). Set the DSP EFF RTN level to 5. Then turn up the channel EFF/REV
level control of the desired channels until the effect level is heard in the stereo
mix. If clipping is heard in the effects, reduce the channel EFF/REV level control
until the clipping is gone. Finally, readjust the DSP EFF RTN level to vary the
amount of effect needed in the stereo mix.
Bypass: [1] No effect is created. This is used so the effect levels can remain
set even though no effect is wanted at that time.
Delays: [2-30] The delays range from 30mS to 550mS delays with various feed-
back settings from 0 to infinity. Some include a stereo bouncing effect between
the left and right outputs.
Reverbs: [31-60] These natural sounding reverberation effects range from a
short plate reverb to simulating reverberation heard in a cathedral.
Reverbs + Delay: [61-90]These are combinations of the two above effects with
variations in the amount of pre-delay and echo density.
Chorus: [91-110] These are two to six voice stereo choruses, which vary in
delay time, number of echoes, speed and recirculation. Some have reverb.
Flange: [111-128] These are stereo flangers with variations of depth, delay and
speed. Some are followed by a short reverb.
CHORUS 91 - 110
FLANGE 111 - 128
DELAYS 2 - 30
REVERB 31 - 90