User Manual

Playing Built-in Songs
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Press 8s REW.
This skips song playback back to the previous measure.
Each press of 8s REW skips back one measure.
Holding down 8s REW skips back at high speed
until you release it.
Pressing 8s REW while song playback is stopped
performs lesson function phrase skip back (page
Press 6 TEMPO.
Use w (slower) and q (faster) to change the tempo
setting. Holding down either button changes the setting
at high speed.
Pressing w and q at the same time will return the
current song to its original default tempo.
Pressing 6 TEMPO causes the tempo value to flash
on the display. While the tempo value is flashing, you
can use bq (10-key) to change it.
Changing the song number will return the song to its
original default tempo.
See “Using the FUNCTION Button (3)” (page EN-4).
You can use the procedure in this section to repeat particular
measures for practice playing along until you master it. You
can specify the start measure and the end measure of the
section you want to play and practice.
Press 7 REPEAT to temporarily turn off song
While song playback is in progress, press
7 REPEAT at the point where you want to start
the repeat.
This specifies the measure as the start measure.
When playback reaches the measure you want to
select as the end measure, press 7 REPEAT
This specifies the measure as the end measure and starts
repeat playback of the measures in the specified range.
During repeat play you can use bkk PAUSE to pause
playback, 9d FF to skip forward, or 8s REW
to skip back.
Pressing 7 REPEAT again returns to normal
Changing the song number clears the start measure and
end measure of the repeat operation.
The same tone used by the song is assigned to the keyboard
so you can play along with the song on the keyboard.
Hold down bo TONE until the name of the tone
used by the selected song appears on the display.
If your currently selected tone is the same as the song
tone, the display contents will not change.
Play along with the song playback.
If you select a song that uses different tones for left and
right hand play, the right hand part tone is assigned to the
You can turn off the right hand part or the left hand part of a
song during playback and practice playing the along with the
remaining part. Use this capability when you feel that a song
is initially too difficult for you to play with both hands at the
same time.
Press bm PART SELECT to select the part you
want to turn off.
Each press of bm PART SELECT cycles through the
settings shown below.
This starts playback in accordance with the setting you
selected in step 1.
Changing Playback Speed (Tempo)
Adjusting the Song Volume
Repeating Playback of Specific Measures
Playing with the Same Tone as Song
Turning Off the Part of One Hand for Practice
(Part Select)
Right hand part off
Left hand part off
Both hand parts off
Both hand parts on
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