User Manual

Table Of Contents
Controlling the Sound of a Performance
Rotate the dial to change the function.
Function settings you can select are shown in the table below.
Setting Indicator Description
Cutoff Cutoff Adjusts timbre by attenuating the components of a
note’s frequency characteristics that are higher than
a certain frequency (cutoff frequency). A larger
value specifies a brighter, harder sound, while a
lower value specifies a mellower, softer sound.
Resonance Resonance Adjusts the degree to which the gain of the overtone
component is increased near the frequency
specified by Cutoff. A larger value specifies a more
unusual sound.
Attack Time Attack Time Adjusts the time after a key is pressed from when
the note starts to sound until it reaches maximum
volume. A larger value specifies a slower attack.
Release Time Release Time Adjusts how long notes linger after keyboard keys
are released. A larger value specifies a longer
Part Portamento Time Portamento Time Adjusts the duration of the portamento notes.
Modulation Modulation Adjusts the level of the vibrato effect of the
applicable part.
Modulation Range
Modulation Range
Adjusts the maximum pitch of the vibrato effect of a
Note Volume
Note End
Key press
Key release
A: Attack Time
R: Release Time