User Manual

12.1.7 Modulation Rate
Message Format: F0H 7FH 7FH 04H 05H 01H 01H 01H 01H 02H 01H vvH F7H
vv: Value
Receive Receipt changes the Chorus Rate.
12.1.8 Modulation Depth
Message Format: F0H 7FH 7FH 04H 05H 01H 01H 01H 01H 02H 02H vvH F7H
vv: Value
Receive Receipt changes the chorus level setting.
12.1.9 Send To Reverb
Message Format: F0H 7FH 7FH 04H 05H 01H 01H 01H 01H 02H 04H vvH F7H
vv: Value
Receive Receipt changes the Chorus Sent To Reverb setting.
12.2 Universal Non Real Time System Exclusive Message
Message Format: F0H 7EH 7FH....F7H
12.2.1 GM System On
Message Format: F0H 7EH 7FH 09H 01H F7H
Receive Receipt puts the sound source into a GM sound source mode.
12.2.2 GM System Off
Message Format: F0H 7EH 7FH 09H 02H F7H
Receive Receipt changes the sound source setting to the Instrument presetting.
12.2.3 GM2 System On
Message Format: F0H 7EH 7FH 09H 03H F7H
Receive Though the Instrument does not support GM2, receipt of the GM2 System On message has
the same result as receipt of the GM System On message.
12.3 Instrument-Specific System Exclusive Message
Message Format: F0H 44H ... F7H
This message can be used to send the Instrument memory status, for two-way transfer of special
operation commands and user data, to perform sound source parameter operations, etc. For more
information, see “IV Instrument-Specific System Exclusive Messages”.