User manual - DT-810M50RC

Data Communication
DT-810 - DT-810 Data Communication
Application software and input data can be
transferred between two DT-810 units using the
infrared ports on the bottom of the units.
Position the two DT-810 units so they will not
accidently move during data communication. The
orientation of the two units depends on the type of
communication you plan to perform.
Conformed IrDA Version 1.0:
0 (contact) to 1 meter or less enables
Original Communication:
Enabled by contact only
CAUTION! For IrDA transmission function, high sensitivity element is used in this
Avoid the proximity of a unit or equipment such as a cellular phone
emitting electrical current during data communication.
To get a smooth transfer using this unit, keep some distance from the
equipment (at least 30 centimeters from a cellular phone).