
3.4. Application
The following are applications used by host PC linked with the terminal.
Table 3.16
Application Description CASIO MS
ActiveSync Executes data link with the terminal. -- Yes
LMWIN Executes data upload/download. Yes --
FCHK Checks and confirms a result data upload/download. Yes --
MS; Microsoft
3.4.1. ActiveSync
By linking with the ActiveSync client installed in the terminal, this utility makes communication
with the terminal possible. It is available from the following site.
3.4.2. LMWIN
This utility links with the FLCE tool installed in the terminal to perform data upload and
download. It is an option available separately. See “Upload/Download Manual” for its details.
3.4.3. FCHK
This utility checks and confirms results of data upload/download. See “Upload/Download
Manual” for its details.