
2.6.2. Expanded Features
Power ON/OFF Control
The power to the integrated WLAN module can be controlled in application. Turning off the
power when the WLAN module is not in use can save power, prevent line congestion and allow
the on-board use in aircraft.
Operation Configuration File
The operation configuration file can be used to set each default value of the WLAN settings.
Resume Operation
After the terminal went into suspend mode and then returned in resume mode during wireless
operation, this will automatically establish connection again with the Access-Point to enable
continuous wireless communication.
Out of Range, In Range
This will automatically establish connection again with the Access-Point to enable continuous
wireless communication when the terminal returns within the range from out side of the range of
the Access-Point during wireless operation. This will automatically reconnect to the Access-Point
if connection establishment with the Access-Point cannot be maintained due to noise or
interference, or roaming is not possible for some reason.