
File Format
File format of the configuration file is INI format with the specifications described below.
The maximum size of the configuration file is 60Kbytes.
A line starting with “;” is regarded as a comment. It is not regarded as a comment if it locates
in the middle of a line.
The separator for KEY and VALUE is “=”. Space and tab, etc., also are included in KEY and
VALUE. If a space is inserted after “=” in “SSID=tunami”, the SSID value is space +
The end of a line is CR or CR/LF.
The maximum length of a line is 256bytes.
Section name, KEY, and VALUE are case sensitive.
WLAN section
All WLAN settings are made here.
Table. 2.54
Key Setting Value
WLANPOWER Specify turning on or off the power to the WLAN module.
1: Power ON
0: Power OFF
POWERSAVE Specify the WLAN power save setting.
1: Enable power save.
0: Disable the power save.
WLANCFG Specify “Enable or Disable” on the configuration file itself.
1: Enable the file.
0: Disable the file.
RoamingRSSILevel Specify the roaming threshold value in dBm.
RoamingAvailableTime Specify time period in second for starting roaming again.
RoamingRSSISpan Specify intensity difference in dBm for radio wave during roaming.
BandConfig Specify communication speed
0: Only IEEE802.11b
1: Both IEEE802.11b and IEEE802.11g