User manual - Mobile Picture & Video Player

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Mobile Picture & Video Player with Camera
The album function of the Mobile Picture & Video Player with Camera lets you in-
stantly generate an album with snapshots and movie images pasted inside it.
Album Index Album Page
The following are some of the main features of the album function.
You can instantly generate an album for each folder. Album titles (names) are
identical to folder names, so you can group images by theme and manage
folders using the album index screen shown above.
Once you create an album, you can delete existing images from it or paste new
images into it at any time.
You can mix snapshots and movie images within the same album.
There is a choice of four album formats (front cover, back cover, inside page
pattern), two for business and two for personal use. You can also specify one,
three, or six images per album page.
In the case of 1-image and 3-image pages, you can input text for each image.
Tapping a thubmnail of an image on an Album Page instantly displays the
snapshot screen or movie screen of a file. Snapshot screen and movie screen
operations are the same as those described under "Using the Snapshot
Screen" on page 37 and "Using the Movie Screen" on page 42.
Creating an Album
When creating an album, you first generate an album of all the files contained in a
specific folder. Then you can delete images or paste new images as you want.