User manual - Mobile Picture & Video Player

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Mobile Picture & Video Player with Camera
Displaying the Album Page Screen
You can use any of the following methods to display the album page screen. The
front cover of the album you select appears first.
To display the album page screen
On the album index, tap the thumbnail image of the album whose page screen
you want to display.
Select the thumbnail image of the album whose page screen you want to dis-
play (so its album title is highlighted), and then press the CASSIOPEIA's AC-
TION control to open it.
Jumping to a Specific Album Page
After you display the album page screen, you can use the following procedure to
jump to a specific page of the album.
To jump to a specific album page
1. On the album page screen, tap Go To Page on the View menu.
This displays the dialog box shown below.
2. After specifying the page number you want, tap OK to display it.
The range of the page numbers you can input in the above procedure starts from
the front cover (page 1) and ends with the final inside page. Note that the back
cover is not counted as a page in the above procedure.
Tap the arrows to change the
displayed page number.