User`s guide

Programming Chapter 8
Jump Command Menu (JUMP)
While the program menu is on the display, press 3 (JUMP) to display the jump
command menu.
1 (Lbl) .......... Lbl command
2 (Goto) ....... Goto command
3 () ........... (jump) command
1 (Isz) .......... Isz command
2 (Dsz) ......... Dsz command
Press [ to return to the previous menu.
Clear Command Menu (CLR)
While the program menu is on the display, press [ 3 (CLR) to display the clear
command menu.
1 (Text) ........ ClrText command
2 (Grph) ....... ClrGraph command
3 (List) ......... ClrList command
Display Command Menu (DISP)
While the program menu is on the display, press [ 4 (DISP) to display the dis-
play command menu.
1 (Stat) ........ DrawStat command
2 (Grph) ....... DrawGraph command
3 (TABL) ...... Table & Graph command menu
Pressing 3 (TABL) while the display command menu is on the display causes the
Table & Graph command menu to appear.
1 2 3 4 [