User`s guide

Basic Calculations Chapter 2
9. Selecting Value Display Modes
You can make specifications for three value display modes.
Fix Mode
This mode lets you specify the number of decimal places to be displayed.
Sci Mode
This mode lets you specify the number of significant digits to be displayed.
Norm 1/Norm 2 Mode
This mode determines at what point the display changes over to exponential display
Display the Set Up Screen and use the f and c keys to highlight “Display”.
u To specify the number of decimal places (Fix)
1. While the set-up screen is on the display, press 1 (Fix).
2. Press the function key that corresponds to the number of decimal places you
want to set (0 to 9).
•Press [ to display the next menu of numbers.
Example To specify two decimal places
1 (Fix)
3 (2)
Press the function key that corresponds to the
number of decimal places you want to specify.
•Displayed values are rounded off to the number of decimal places you specify.
•A number of decimal place specification remains in effect until you change the
Norm Mode setting.
1 234
123 4