User`s guide

Chapter 4 Graphing
uTo draw a line in the STAT, GRAPH and TABLE Modes
Example To draw a line between two points of inflection on the graph of
y = x(x + 2)(x – 2)
1. After graphing the function, display the sketch menu and perform the following
operation to cause the pointer to appear on the graph screen.
2. Use the cursor keys (f, c, d, e) to move the pointer to one of the points of
inflection and press w.
d ~ df ~ f
3. Use the cursor keys to move the pointer to the other point of inflection and press
w to draw the line.
e ~ ec ~ c
uTo draw a line in the RUN or PRGM Mode
The following is the syntax for drawing lines in these modes.
F-Line <
x-coordinate 1>, <y-coordinate 1>, <x-coordinate 2>, <y-coordinate 2>