Owner's Manual

Press the Left Soft Key L [New] to add a new
PTT Group to the list.
Press the Center Select Key c [VIEW] to view
the PTT Group information.
k New PTT Group
1. From standby mode press the Center Select Key
c [MENU], 6 PTT Groups.
2. Press the Left Soft Key L [New].
3. Enter the new PTT Group name in the PTT Group
Name field, then press the Center Select Key c
Next, you can perform the following steps to add the
PTT Contact to a PTT Group.
1. Press the Right Soft Key R [Options], then press
3 Add.
2. Press the Directional Key j up or down to select
the PTT Contact entry.
3. Press the Center Select Key c [MARK].
4. Press the Left Soft Key L [Done].
k Rename PTT Group
1. From standby mode press the Center Select Key
c [MENU], 6 PTT Groups.
2. Press the Directional Key j up or down to
highlight the PTT Group.