Owner's Manual

k Sending a Picture Message
1. From standby mode press the Left Soft Key L
[Message], 1 New Message.
2. Press 2 Picture Message.
3. Enter the phone number of the recipient or the
e-mail address for an e-mail message.
For information about the options you select by
pressing the Right Soft Key R [Add] while the
To” field is selected, see page 86.
4. Press the Center Select Key c [OK].
5. Type your message.
6. Press the Directional Key d down to highlight
Picture, then press the Left Soft Key L [My
7. Press the Directional Key a up, down, left or
right to select the picture you want to include
in your message, then press the Center Select
Key c [OK].
8. Press the Directional Key d down to highlight
Sound, then press the Left Soft Key L
9. Press the Directional Key j up or down to
select the sound you would like to attach to
your message, then press the Center Select
Key c [OK].
10. Press the Directional Key d down to highlight
the Subject and enter the subject.