Programming Manual

Web Browser Programming Guide Page 61
Some font properties may conflict or may not yield visible differences on all
devices. FontBold is equivalent to FontWeight=700. Specifying a font name will
override some other attributes.
To create a multi-line control, simply use a large HEIGHT. Multiline content with
embedded ā€œ\r\nā€ cannot be set via a PARAM element. You can set such content
dynamically in JavaScript via the Value property.
More than MaxLength characters can be inserted in the text box via the Value
The TextX control supports event handlers which are invoked when the user
interacts with the control. Only OnKeyPress returns a value. This value can be
set to cancel (or ignore) the event. The return values of all other handlers are
ignored and the associated events cannot be canceled.
void OnChange()
The OnChange handler is called when the contents of the control have been
changed and focus is lost from the control.
void OnClick( int x, int y )
The OnClick handler is called when the user taps the stylus on the control. The x
and y coordinates of the tap are provided in the arguments.
void OnFocus()
The OnFocus handler is called when the control receives input focus.
void OnLostFocus()
The OnLostFocus handler is called when the control loses input focus.
void OnKeyDown( int vkey )
The OnKeyDown handler is called when the user presses a key with focus in the
control. The vkey argument is the Windows VK Code for the key. This handler