Programming Manual

Appendix 1 - Properties
The properties listed in this appendix may be accessed via the GetProperty and
SetProperty methods on the CEBrowseX ActiveX control or via the DOM
“external” object under Windows CE .NET or 5.0. Properties marked (RO) are
read-only and may not be set with SetProperty.
ALERT: Use the CETerm object methods GetProperty and SetProperty to access
properties. There are many additional properties described in the
CETerm Scripting Guide. The following list is included for older
applications that used the deprecated GetProperty and SetProperty
methods of the CEBrowseX control.
Property Name Description
Application Properties
app.buildid (RO) Program build identifier (RO) Program name (RO) Currently active session
app.usertext.NN User text # NN contents, NN is 1-64
app.version (RO) Program version
Device Properties
device.batterystatus (RO)
device.battery.statustext (RO)
Current battery status string
device.battery.status (RO) Current battery status
-1 – unknown, 0 – critical, 1 – warning,
2 – low, 3 – medium, 4 – high, 5 - charging
device.battery.level (RO) Current battery strength - 0 – 100
-1 – unknown
device.deviceid (RO) Device ID string
device.ipaddress (RO) IP Address of handheld
device.macaddress (RO) MAC Address of handheld
device.platformid (RO) Windows CE Platform ID
device.presetid (RO) Windows CE Preset ID
device.rf.strength (RO) RF signal strength 0-100,
-2 – not associated with AP,
-1 – unknown
device.rf.status (RO) RF status
-1 – unknown, 0 – unassociated, 1 – poor,
2 – fair, 3 – good, 4 – very good, 5 – excellent
device.serialnumber (RO) Device serialnumber