User manual

Cypher Technology Ltd 2008
The Master Copy has the current time and date stamp as displayed on the front of
the machine.
3. Press the Transfer button.
(The “Cancel” soft key allows the transfer to be aborted)
Please note: The first time a new disk type is used, there may be a delay before writing occurs
as the drive calibrates itself to the disk.
Action Display (See front panel layout)
Transfer Master begins Make Master Copy 05:23
32% @ 8.4MB/S Cancel>
Verifying Master begins Verify Master 00:23
10% @ 8.5MB/s Cancel>
4. Puma then ejects the verified Master Disk and displays the Checksum. This should
be noted down.
(Multiple disk transfer - If the flash card is bigger than the disk size, further disks will be
requested. Each disk has its own checksum, which is displayed at the end of each disk
transfer. When all the data has been transferred, no new disks will be requested. Press
{Continue} and the checksum of the whole Master Image will be shown. This should be
noted down. This final checksum is the same value as the checksum produced for the card.)
Puma then prompts for another blank disk to be inserted. If the process was not
successful the disk will not be ejected and an error message will be displayed (the
disk can be ejected manually using the [Disk] button.
Mster is ejected Insert Blank Disk..
Press the {Continue} soft key to proceed with the Working Copy
Transfer Working begins dcn0004.jpg 04:34
19% @ 8.3MB/s Cancel>
If the size of the files on the flash card is bigger than the disk size, further disks will
be requested.
Is Flash erase required? Wipe Card Y>
Press {Y} to wipe Flash card or {N} to proceed without wiping card. After the card is
wiped it is automatically partitioned and re-formatted with a FAT32 file system. If
successful the display will show :
Wipe Completed Wipe Complete.. 00:00
Formatted Continue>
The Transfer process is now complete. A new Flash card may be inserted.