Castle X Series Drivers Ed Guide

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mb X Series ESCs re ble to mesure nd record importnt power system informtion
during your rce, turn-by-turn. After your run, you cn downlod nd nlyze this log using
Cstle Link. You will be ble to inspect mny prmeters including bttery voltge, motor RP,
ESC temperture, motor temperture**, nd more.
Recording Duration
The ESC writes the recorded dt to  limited mount of memory. Recording time vries with
the prmeters selected nd the smple rte. The ESC compresses dt wherever possible;
periods t idle or constnt throttle do not tke very much memory. Use Cstle Link to select or
deselect prmeters logged by the ESC.
*ot vilble on ll mb X Series ESC models. See Quick Strt Guide for clrifiction.
**Only vilble when using  sensored motor.
Automatic Data Reset
At power up, Automtic Dt Reset checks the mount of memory used. If tht vlue is more
thn the progrmmed limit, the controller will erse the entire dt log. This ensures tht the
lst few runs re sved to memory nd vilble for nlysis. The ESC will emit  long beep
tone fter the rming “rings” to lert you tht the dt log ws ersed.
Manual Data Reset
Recorded dt cn be ersed mnully by holding your trnsmitter t full reverse when
powering up the ESC. The motor will emit the norml power up chimes. Leve throttle t full
reverse for six seconds nd the motor will emit  long beep tone. The ESC will then erse the
entire dt log. Return the throttle to neutrl nd the ESC will rm.