Castle X Series Drivers Ed Guide

WARNING: This is an extremely powerful brushless motor system. e strongly recommend
removing the pinion ger from the motor for your own sfety nd the sfety of those round you
before performing clibrtion nd progrmming functions. Plese keep your hnds, hir, feet, pets,
fuzzy purple shorts, nd grden gnomes cler from the ger trin, xle shfts, wheels, nd tires of n
rmed high performnce system.
DO NOT hold the vehicle in the air and run it up to full throttle. Rubber tires will “grow” to
extreme size on  high-speed vehicle. Tire filures t speed cn cuse serious injury! ke sure your
tires re securely glued to the wheels nd check them often.
ALWAYS disconnect the battery from the ESC when you are finished enjoying your vehicle.
The switch on the ESC controls the power tht is delivered to the receiver nd servo(s). The controller
will lwys drw current when it is connected to the bttery nd will completely dischrge btteries
if they re connected for long durtions. This my cuse filure of your btteries. Cstle Cretions is
not responsible for ny dmge s  result of btteries left plugged in to your ESC. Your Cstle ESC is
progrmmed to sound  tone every ten seconds to remind you tht it is still powered.
Always monitor your ESC and motor temperatures during the first run after modifying
your system to ensure they stay within the safe operating limits.
. Solder  high qulity bttery connector to the ESC.
See “Connectors nd Power iring” -
pge 
. ount the ESC nd motor into the vehicle.
. Connect motor to the ESC.
See “otor iring” -
pges -
. Plug in the ESC RX led nd AUX led.
See “Rdio Connection” -
pge 
. Clibrte your ESC to your rdio.
See “How to Clibrte the ESC” -
pges -
You are now ready to go!