Castle X Series Drivers Ed Guide

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Problem: My ESC calibrates for the full throttle and full brake positions but won’t
calibrate to the neutral throttle position (yellow LED keeps flashing with single beeps).
Solution: Try moving the throttle trim one wy, then the other. If your trnsmitter hs  /
nd / setting for the throttle, set it for / nd retry clibrtion. If you hve chnged
the throttle ded bnd to  nrrower bnd using Cstle Link, you my wnt to try going bck
to the “norml” setting.
If you hve chnged the motor type to “Sensored only” using Cstle Link nd the ESC is not
beeping, the yellow flshing light t neutrl is norml nd the ESC is redy for use.
Problem: My vehicle acts like it has “turbo lag” (poor acceleration/punch for the first
few feet or yards, and then it “kicks in”).
Solution: ke sure you’re using high qulity btteries nd  bttery connector cpble of
high mp flow (- mps). Ensure connector is properly sized for your ppliction. This
behvior is very typicl of  bttery pck tht is hving difficulty providing the power your
system requires for top performnce. Refer to pges - for recommended bttery cpcity nd
C rtings for use with Cstle ESCs.
For iCd/iH pcks, use copper brs to connect cells rther thn welded tbs.