User's Manual

Castles Technology Co., Ltd. Confidential • All Right Reserved. Pg. 13
3.5. System Settings
View or change system settings.
Setting Descriptions
Key Sound Enable (Y) or disable (N) the beep sound when
pressing any key.
Exec DFLT AP Enable (Y) or disable (N) execution of default
selected application.
USB CDC Mode Enable (Y) or disable (N) USB CDC mode.
FunKey PWD Enable (Y) or disable (N) password protection to
access function key “0” in Program Manager.
PMEnter PWD Enable (Y) or disable (N) password protection to
enter Program Manager.
SET USB Host Enable (Y) or disable (N) USB host mode.
Base USB CDC Enable (Y) or disable (N) USB CDC mode in base
unit. (Not support)
List SHR Lib Enable (Y) or disable (N) to list all shared libraries
in Program Manager.
Key MNG Mode
BATThreshld Battery charging threshold value. (Not support)
Null Cradle Enable (Y) if base is Type Acradle. (Not support)
Debug Mode Enable (Y) or disable (N) console debug mode.
Debug Port Serial port for console debug.
Mobil AutoON Enable (Y) or disable (N) to auto turn on GSM
module after boot up.
Bklit Auto Off Enable (Y) or disable (N) Auto Off LCD Backlight
Bklit Off Time Threshold of Auto Off LCD Backlight
PWR KEY OFF Power keyfunction, power off (Y) or reboot(N)
GDB Mode Enable (Y) or disable (N) GDB (GNU Debugger)
mode. (Needs to download GDB plugin FW first.)
GDB Timeout Set GDB connection timeout.
GDB Channel Set GDB connection channel.
ETHER IP/PORT GDB Ethernet connection setting.
RTC Time Zone Set Time Zone of RTC (Real Time Clock).