User's Manual

Castles Technology Co., Ltd. Confidential • All Right Reserved. Pg. 6
1. Introduction
This document provide a guildeline on operating and configuringCastles VEGA5000S
The scope of this document includesetting up the terminal, basic operation, application
life cycle, and some advance features.
1.1. Type of Terminal
There are two types of VEGA5000S terminal, portable and countertop. The major
different is portable type can be battery operated.
Portable type is designed as two pieces of hardware, handset and base unit.
Handset unit features major components, and also optional contactless reader
and GRPS modem.Wired connection like power, modem, Ethernet, USB or serial
ports, are be located in base unit. There are additional power connection and
USB port on handset unit, allow the handset unit can be operated alone.
Handset Base
Front View Rear View Front View Rear View
Side View