User Manual

1. Orb disk insertion
Push a disk straight into the ORB drive with your finger
using an “in and down” motion to ensure that the
disk is seated.
Figure 13
Disk insertion
2. Power on your system.
The ORB drive should be detected during system startup.
CAUTION: If you insert an ORB disk in your ORB drive and
Windows asks you if you want to format the disk, be careful
how you respond. Formatting a disk with data on it will
destroy all the data.
If the drive is not detected, or your system hangs during the bootup process, you
may have to use your system’s BIOS setup program. Some basic information
about how to do this is located in Section 3, Troubleshooting.
You may also need to refer to your computer system’s manual for information
about how the BIOS setup program works on your computer.
3. Your Operating System should be loaded.
If you are using Windows 98/95/NT proceed to Section 1.12, Software
If you are using DOS, Windows 3.1x, OS/2, or another operating system, you
should visit our web site at for further installation
The Software Setup screen is used to install the ORB Tools and other software pro-
vided on your ORB Tools Software Disk when you are running Windows 98/95/NT.
Software Setup
1. On the Windows desktop, double-click on My Computer.
2. Double-click on the drive icon for the drive that you just installed. E.g., If you
previously had a C: drive, the D: drive is your ORB drive.
3. In the drive window that just opened, double-click on the ORB icon named orb-
setup.exe. The Software Setup screen appears.
From this screen, you can install the ORB Tools or other Value Software packages.