User's Guide

AfiFarm | AfiCollar User Guide
Data Description
Alert type (eating) Displays the following columns:
< 70upper and lower deviation thresholds for eating times that are less than 70 minutes on average
per group, for a particular session.
70-100 - upper and lower deviation thresholds for eating times that are between 70 and 100 minutes on
average per group, for a particular session.
> 100 - upper and lower deviation thresholds for eating times that more than 100 minutes on average
per group, for a particular session.
Decrease rumination time or
eating time
Sets the minimum percentage decrease for eating/rumination times. An alert is provided if the group's
eating/rumination time decreases beyond this threshold.
Increase rumination time or eating
Sets the maximum percentage increase for eating/rumination times. An alert is provided if the group's
eating/rumination time exceeds this threshold.
Low daily rumination and eating time
Set the minimum amount of time for eating and
rumination according to the group's status. If the
time is less than this value, it appears red in the
table and as an alert on the dashboard.