User's Manual

Status Indicator
Illustration 2 g01002949
Typical installation of the Status Indicator
(1) Status Indicator (2) Keyswitch with Exciter Coil
The state of the MSS is displayed by the status
indicator in accordance with Table 2 . The operator
can use the status indicator to determine the status of
the system or for troubleshooting.
Table 2
Status Indicator
Continuously Red The MSS is armed.
Continuously Green The MSS is disarmed.
The green LED will remain ON 30 seconds after powerdown. After the 30 seconds have passed,
the MSS automatically returns to the armed mode.
Continuously Orange
The red LED and the green LED of the status indicator are tested momentarily by the
MSS3s ECM at powerup.The status indicator will remain on if No application software is
detected in the electronic control module (ECM).
The red LED will remain ON while the key is in the ON position or until a valid key is read. The red LED will turn OFF approximately 3 seconds
after the key is turned to the OFF position.
The red LED and the green LED are continuously ON.
Key Information
SMCS Code: 7631
You may configure the machine security system to
recognize 255 authorized keys. This list contains
those keys that will disarm the machine security
system. The user adds keys to this list.
The ECM can store five configuration parameters
that identify each electronic key. These parameters
are listed below:
Access level
Expiration date
Key Type
The parameters are not stored in the electronic key.
A complete list of the configuration parameters that
are available in the Cat
Electronic Technician (Cat
ET) are listed below:
1. Add an electronic key.
2. Change the following information that is related to
the electronic key.
a. Access level
b. Expiration date
c. Description
3. Delete an electronic key.
4. Security bypass times
8 UENR7061
Systems Operation Section