User's Manual

Page 8
There is a USB socket for updating the rmware.
Process On/Off
Use the DNS ON buttons to switch the DNS process on and off for each channel.
The LEARN buttons control whether or not the noise detector adapts continuously
to the noise in the audio signal; switching it off freezes the noise estimate until it is
switched on again. LEARN is not a method for taking a ‘noise ngerprint’ and, for
most jobs, best results are obtained by leaving it switched on permanently.
The default action of each encoder is to adjust the amount of noise attenuation
applied to the signal, and this is shown on the left-hand half of the display. The
representation of the fader within the display shows the current position of the
control, and the bargraph shows the instantaneous amount of attenuation being
applied to the signal. The solid bar shows the average attenuation across all
frequencies, and the shaded bar shows the maximum attenuation across all
The encoder also provides control of the Bias, which is shown on the right-hand
half of the display. Click an encoder to enable adjustment of the Bias, and click it
again when you wish to switch back to controlling the Attenuation. The encoders
will also revert to controlling the Attenuation after a short idle period.
The Bias is a ‘center-zero’ control, and the fader shows the current position. Raise
the Bias to increase the amount of noise detected. This will allow the process to
remove more noise, but may lead to compression of the wanted audio and make
the signal sound dry. Lower the Bias to decrease the amount of noise detected.
This will allow the process to retain more ‘atmos’, but it will remove less noise.
The right-hand bargraph shows the detected long-term signal to noise ratio (SNR).
The solid bar shows the detected noise level, and the shaded bar shows the
detected long-term signal level; consequently, the difference between the heights
of the solid and shaded bars indicates the long-term SNR. When the Bias is above
or below center, it biasses the noise detector somewhat upwards or downwards.
You can see this effect reected in the height of the solid bar, which tends to
increase as you raise the Bias (and vice-versa).
The two channels of the DNS2 can operate in three different link modes. You can
cycle through these by pressing both encoders simultaneously.