Telescope Basics

When you look through an eyepiece, your eye must be a
specific distance from the top lens of the eyepiece in order
to see the full image circle the eyepiece provides. If you are
too far away, you will only see the center of the view and the
edges are cut off. If you are using an eyepiece with a long
eye relief distance, you may be able to view through the
eyepiece with your glasses on. To test this, look through
the eyepiece with your glasses on, then take them off and
look again. If you can see the same field if view with your
glasses on, you can view while wearing them. If you notice
that the view without your glasses on offers a far larger
field of view, you should not wear your glasses when using
this eyepiece.
You can always view without your glasses on, but you
will need to adjust the focus knobs to compensate for
your vision. If you are observing with other people, they
may need to readjust the focus when they view through
the telescope.
If you suffer from severe astigmatism, the telescope may
not focus as sharply as when you are wearing your glasses.
If you are considering the purchase of additional eyepieces
for your telescope, you should look at eyepiece designs that
offer at least 18 mm of eye relief to give yourself a better
chance of observing with your glasses on.
In order to see the sharpest image possible, you need to
focus the eyepiece. Focus will depend on many factors,
such as distance to your target and the eyepiece you are
using, but can also depend on the person looking through
the telescope.
While looking through the eyepiece, slowly turn the
focusing knobs located below the eyepiece at the base
of the focuser. You should see the image go from blurry
to sharp. If you keep turning the knob and pass the focus
point, the image will become blurry again. Simply turn the
knobs back the other way until you find the sharpest image.
What may look focused to you may not be in focus for
someone else. If you are sharing an image of the Moon
or a planet with someone, don’t forget to remind them to
refocus the eyepiece so they can see the sharp details that
you did.
Focus Knob