User's Manual

Travel Scope 50
The photo-style altazimuth mount is simple to use. To move the scope left and right, loosen the azimuth tension knob
at the base of the mount. Hold one of the tripod with one hand and grab the panning handle with the other. Move the
scope to the desired location. You can adjust the tension of the left and right motion by adjusting the tightness of the
azimuth tension knob.
To move the scope up and down, loosen the altitude clutch by turning the
entire panning handle counter-clockwise. Move the handle up or down as
required and turn the handle clockwise to lock the scope on target.
NOTE: When observing, the Sun will appear to slowly drift in your field of view. This is perfectly normal and is caused by
the Earth’s rotation. You will need to re-center the Sun in your field of view every couple of minutes. If you use
any optional higher magnification eyepieces, the drift will become more apparent and you will need to readjust the
telescope’s position more often to keep it in the field of view.
The EclipSmart telescope comes with a 100% safe solar finderscope that allows you to align your telescope without
looking directly at the Sun. The finderscope is already installed and is ready for use. To use this finder:
1. Point the telescope in the general direction of the Sun.
2. Look at the large round bulls-eye pattern on the sunlit side of the finderscope.
3. Adjust the position of the telescope until the shadow of the ball at the end of the projection arm is centered on the
bulls-eye pattern.
4. This Sun should appear somewhere in the field of view of your 20 mm eyepiece, but may not be perfectly centered.
Looking through the eyepiece, adjust the position of the telescope until the Sun is centered
Sun shadow not perfectly centered Sun shadow centered on bulls eye pattern
Projection Arm