User's Manual

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Title: PolBEAMER PCS (3.2) Array System-
Assembly and Operation Manual
Doc. No.:
Rev.: 01
Page: 76 of 91
located in the CPU component and includes the basic I/O program of the controller. This program
enables operation of the basic functions of the controller (such as serial communication and
application program loading) and cannot be modified. The memory size allocated for the application
is 64 Kbytes. Programming a new application program into the FLASH memory does not affect the
ICU configuration parameters. ICU Download Operation Mode
Loading a program file to the ICU is enabled while the ICU operates in Download mode. The
operation mode of the ICU is changed by a command through the serial communication channel.
When the ICU operates in Download mode, no operational function is performed. (That means that it
does not provide monitoring and control of the BEAMER® s). The baud rate of the serial port
increases to 56 Kbaud. That enables faster transmission of data packets to the ICU during the
download process. The ICU returns to operational mode (Auto) at the end of the loading process or if
there was no data transmission from the PC within a predefined time period . File Transmission From PC to ICU File Transmission
The program file is a HEX type file and the data is ASCII format. While loading the file to the ICU
the PC sends the file content line by line. The ICU reports TO the PC about reception quality. If errors
were detected the transmission will be stopped and an error message will be displayed. The PC then
restarts the transmission. The program is contained in files of 64 Kbytes. That is, if the program size
is greater than 64 Kbytes it will be packed in two files that are distinguished by their names. File Name Format
The file name has the following format: IDUxxTVVV.Hyy
IDU ICU application header
Xx Not relevant for loader
T Application type (0=Celletra/1=Korea)
VVV Application version
Hyyy HEX: The program is packed in one HEX file
H00 and H01: The program is packed in two HEX files
Example: IDUck0102.h01
IDUck: Software application
0: Celletra versionk
102: Software version number
h01: High package of the hex file